Shawn Freeman - Mesa Police Officer Above the Law | Convict Shawn Freeman

Justice Denied: Shawn Freeman shoots unarmed man in the face - Another murder by Mesa Cops

Unarmed Man Killed: Lawsuit Against Mesa Police Department for Mass Firing

The Mesa Police Department is facing a lawsuit for the mass firing that resulted in the death of an unarmed man. Sniper Shawn Freeman, Shot Shawn Gagne in the face before the rest of the Mesa SWAT team opened fire, resulting in the man's death.

Read about the Tragedy in Mesa here:

Lawsuit Filed Against Police Department for Unarmed Man's Death:,_City_of_et_al

Mesa Police Department Under Scrutiny: Officer Shawn Freeman's Troubling Behavior

Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman has a troubling record of officer-involved shootings, violent attacks, and facing lawsuits for Civil Rights violations. His history of aggressive behavior extends to both on-duty and off-duty incidents.

The Mesa Police Department, along with Chief Ken Cost, must be held responsible for the brutality and misconduct displayed by their officers in Mesa, Arizona.

Exposing the Discrepancies: The City of Mesa's Version vs. the Reality of Mr. Gagne's Shooting

The City of Mesa's statement regarding the shooting was misleading. Officer Freeman shot Mr. Gagne in the face through a window. Gagne, after informing the negotiator of being shot in the face, followed instructions to approach the front door unarmed with his hands raised. As Mr. Gagne descended the stairs as directed, he was mercilessly shot from multiple directions, causing him to fall down the stairs while repeatedly declaring his surrender. The negotiator remained on the line during this tragic event.

Contrary to official reports indicating medical treatment was rendered, gas was deployed and Mr. Gagne was tazed before being handcuffed while unresponsive and without vital signs for around 20 minutes before any medical treatment was attempted.

The City of Mesa Police Department's version of events does not align with the reality of what happened to Mr. Gagne. Shawn Freeman ignoring the status of negotiations shooting Gagne in the face and the subsequent lack of proper aid are only some of the troubling aspects of this incident. The use of gas and tasers before rendering aid is concerning, especially since Mr. Gagne was motionless and unresponsive. The discrepancies between the official statements and the actual sequence of events highlight the need for a thorough investigation into the actions of the officers involved.

Learn more about the allegations of misconduct and criminal conduct committed by Mesa Police Officer Shawn Freeman here: